Dining > Chef Lee Parsons' Recipe of the Month
Alsatian Onion Tart (serves 8)
Chef Lee Parsons is part of an exciting new generation of European chefs that are crossing the Atlantic in search of challenging new environments and ingredients indigenous to the West Coast. This recipe has been selected by our Chef to share with all foodies and hope you will enjoy making it and sharing it with familly and friends.

Pastry ingredients :
3 cups Flour
43 oz. Butter
1 oz. Grated Parmesan Cheese
Pinch of salt
2 Egg yolks
Filling ingredients :
2 oz. Butter
2 lbs. Onions
3 oz. Pancetta
1/2 tsp Caraway Seeds
1 tsp Sherry Vinegar
3 Whole Eggs
3/4 C Sour Cream
2 tsp Dijon Mustard
Juice of 1 lemon
Salt and pepper for seasoning
• Butter and flour a 10-inch tart mould and set aside.
• In a blow, place butter, flour and parmesan cheese. Rub together until a fine crumb is formed.
• Add the remaining ingredients and mix together to create a smooth paste. Set in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
• Roll pastry out to approximately 1/8-inch thick and place in the prepared tart mould.
• Prick the bottom of the mould with a fork, line with plastic wrap and blind bake for 25-30 minutes in a pre-heated oven (375° F).
• Peel and finely slice the onions.
• Cut the Pancetta into fine match sticks.
• Melt the butter in a heavey saucepan. Add the Pancetta and the Caraway Seeds and cook until bacon starts to color and crisp.
• Add the onoins and proceed to cook until a light golden brown. Once this has been achieved add the sherry vinegar and cook for one more minute. Remove from heat.
• Mix the eggs, sour cream and mustard together. Add the cooked onions and correct the seasoning with salt and pepper if needed.
• Place this mix inoto the blind baked tart mould and cook at 300° F for aproximately 40 minutes. Let stand for 20 minutes before serving.
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